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SOGI: 36


Dołączył: 27 Lis 2010
Posty: 16
Skąd: UK
   Wysłany: Wto Lis 30, 2010 6:24 pm   BioRhythm AndroBolix  

Witam wszystkich! Chcialbym sie zapytac czy ktos z was jadl "BioRhythm AndroBolix [url]http://www.bodyactive-online.co.uk/Shopping/pdbiorhythm-androbolix.asp[url/] ? Z tego co czytalem na angielskich forach wyglada dobrze...Zastanawiam sie czy ten specyfik da rade dobrze odblokwac po 6 tygodniowym cyklu mietka i propa..:)Obecnie przebywam w UK dlatego wybralem wlasnie ten. Z gory dzieki za odpowiedzi. Pozdro!

SOGI: 1394


Pomógł: 13 razy
Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2008
Posty: 2101
  Wysłany: Wto Lis 30, 2010 8:25 pm     

to jest jakiś booster teścia ?
Wątpię żeby ktoś z forum to szmał...
choć kto wie..

SOGI: 36


Dołączył: 27 Lis 2010
Posty: 16
Skąd: UK
  Wysłany: Wto Lis 30, 2010 9:23 pm     

taa... i ponoc dobry :roll: Jest tu pare osob z Uk wiec moze ktos szamal...

SOGI: 1394


Pomógł: 13 razy
Dołączył: 14 Wrz 2008
Posty: 2101
  Wysłany: Wto Lis 30, 2010 11:21 pm     

no to może ktoś podzieli się opinią...
Jak coś to na sklepie masz pewnego i sprawdzonego T-bola

SOGI: 8806012


Pomógł: 26 razy
Dołączył: 15 Sie 2008
Posty: 13249
Skąd: Poland
  Wysłany: Wto Lis 30, 2010 11:41 pm     

jak zbiera pozytywne opinie w UK to nic innego jak go kupic i sie przekonac jak działa i tutaj zdac relacje :mrgreen:


SOGI: 30026


Pomógł: 21 razy
Wiek: 38
Dołączył: 08 Sie 2010
Posty: 2730
  Wysłany: Śro Gru 01, 2010 9:44 am     

lepiej poczekaj na opinie o firmie od 666,bo chuj wie co tam siedzi i zebys sobie nie zrobil kuku :wink:

SOGI: 3103


Pomógł: 3 razy
Dołączył: 24 Kwi 2009
Posty: 323
  Wysłany: Śro Gru 01, 2010 11:40 am     

Zalezy czego szukasz w sumie. Z boosterow testa w anglii moge polecic usn 19-anabol testo. Jak kupisz tego biorhytma napisz czy daje rade moze tez sprobuje.

SOGI: 36


Dołączył: 27 Lis 2010
Posty: 16
Skąd: UK
  Wysłany: Śro Gru 01, 2010 3:04 pm     

Kupie i wyprobuje go na sobie :twisted: ....

SOGI: 36


Dołączył: 27 Lis 2010
Posty: 16
Skąd: UK
  Wysłany: Śro Gru 01, 2010 7:33 pm     

An Overview of Biorhythm Androbolix

Biorhythm has brought to you an outstanding natural testosterone booster in the shape of Androbolix. Androbolix is the first pro-free natural testosterone booster to contain very strong muscle building dosages without spinning off estrogen side effects. This is a fantastic product for any user looking for increased focus, muscle mass and testosterone levels without any unwanted side effects.
Key Ingredients Of Biorhythm Androbolix

Within Androbolix are some very important ingredients. Androbolix contains the all time great Tribulus Terristris. Protodioscin is the active and very potent testosterone stimulating component within Tribulus Terristris, Biorhythm have packed Androbolix with 224mg per serving of Protodioscin. Androbolix also contains an aromatase inhibitor, 3, 6, 17-Trione, which prevents any potential increases in estrogen levels. Finally, DHB has been added to Androbolix because it has been scientifically proven to increase absorption of the many first pass metabolism ingredients which are found in Biorhythm’s Androbolix.

The Effects Of Biorhythm Androbolix

Androbolix stimulates many mass muscle building effects within the body. The Protodioscin within Tribulus Terristris really affects the natural testosterone production levels within the body. It does this via the luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the testes to produce more androgens. The fact that Androbolix makes you much more anabolic also means your protein synthesis levels will shoot up. This effect will lead to more muscle growth, increased recovery and better muscle maintenance. In order for your muscles to grow, your body absolutely needs a positive nitrogen balance. Therefore by using Androbolix you create a lot of free testosterone, which is what makes you even more anabolic. However, in order to achieve maximum nitrogen retention high levels of protein must be ingested, then along with Androbolix your muscles will increase in volume. Androbolix manages to free testosterone by using the aromatase inhibitor, to see that you have more testosterone than estrogen. Normally, when using a testosterone booster your body uses a process called homeostasis where it keeps hormone levels balanced. Androbolix affects this, and creates free testosterone by stimulating testosterone production via the luteinizing hormone whilst minimizing estrogen production using a top quality estrogen blocker.
Buy AndroBolix
The Advantages Of Biorhythm Androbolix

There are obviously many advantages to be gained whilst using Androbolix. To begin with Androbolix contains the most potent testosterone boosting component, Protodioscin, which when taken in such large dosages as this (224mg) blasts testosterone levels through the roof. This in turn makes it a great PCT after the use of testosterone suppressing substances such as Pro-hormones or androgenic anabolic steroids. However, the main advantage with Androbolix is that it cleverly utilizes an estrogen blocker which leaves you with free testosterone by preventing the natural reaction to extra testosterone, homeostasis. Androbolix is one of the only natural testosterone booster which contains an high dosages of Protodioscin. Following on from this, with dramatic increases in free testosterone, protein synthesis and the ability to become more anabolic, there are of course some major benefits to come of this. Firstly, your strength increase will be very noticeable due to the fact that your muscles are able to grow for many more hours of the day as you are always in an anabolic state. Secondly, as a direct result of increased protein synthesis your muscles will gain incredible size, appearing thicker and fuller. Androbolix also gives another huge benefit where common side affects are concerned with many anabolic agents. Due to the fact it stimulates the body’s natural testosterone levels; the stress on the liver is minimal as there is no conversion necessary. There you then have many advantages to think about when looking at Biorhythm Androbolix.
Buy AndroBolix
Usage Of Biorhythm Androbolix

As with most highly anabolic compounds such as Androbolix, it is vital to stick to the guidelines. It is clearly stated by Biorhythm that on training days you need 2 Androbolix capsules before training and a further 2 before bedtime. When on a non-training day you need to take 4 Androbolix capsules all together before bed. It is also essential you do not exceed doses and you cycle Androbolix with a 5 day on, 1 day off routine.
Complimentary Supplements for Biorhythm Androbolix

Biorhythm Androbolix leaves the door wide open for you to maximize growth with the right supplements. To really get the most out of your newly found strength, courtesy of Androbolix, you should add Biorhythm Kre Alkalyn to your diet, which is a very strong creatine supplement. Kre Alkalyn will allow your muscles to push that bit harder in each gym session, which combined with the heavier weights your able to move, will lead to further hypertrophy. This isn’t to mention the increased recovery time and energy levels. Finally, when using Androbolix it is absolutely essential to keep you protein levels high in order achieve maximum nitrogen retention and maintain your high levels of protein synthesis. Therefore it goes without saying you need in your supplement plan, a top quality high protein blend.
Summarizing Biorhythm Androbolix

Androbolix brought to you by Biorhythm is a top quality natural testosterone booster, which appears to have all of the benefits of increased testosterone levels without any of the drawbacks. It is obvious why Androbolix is such a quality product, and also why Androbolix talks the talk and walks the walk. This is because of the research behind Androbolix and the fact it has all of the angles covered.
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